Invisalign® clear aligners straighten your teeth without wires and brackets, instead utilizing a series of clear, customized, removable aligners. This treatment is virtually undetectable, which means that almost no one will know you are straightening your teeth unless you tell them!
The Invisalign orthodontic system combines advanced 3D computer graphics technology with the 100-year-old science of orthodontics. Invisalign aligners are custom made to fit your smile, and move your teeth in small steps until they reach the final position. Each aligner is precisely calibrated and manufactured to make the changes needed in each stage of your treatment.
Your first step for your Invisalign treatment is meeting with Dr. Lisa to determine if this treatment is right for you. If you are a candidate for Invisalign, we will take molds of your teeth, and use computer technology to translate those impressions and create a sequence of finely calibrated aligners. You may need as few as 5 aligners or as many as 48.
Each set of aligners is worn for about two weeks. You should wear your aligners as often as possible and only remove them to eat, brush and floss. Your teeth will gradually achieve their proper alignment. And at the end your of your treatment, you will be smiling like you never have before!
We welcome you to contact [practice_name] today to schedule your consultation and learn more about the benefits of Invisalign in Orlando and Clermont, [state]!